วันพุธที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Getting Into the Practice of Magic

Getting into the practice of magic can be confusing because there are so many different ways to start. There is plenty of information available on the subject, available in the forms of DVDs, books, periodicals, and other media.

The first thing to do is buy a magic set. After all, you have to start somewhere. In order to get you started in the right direction, here are some tips that should help.

There are different kinds of magic and you may not be certain which interests you. For general learning purposes, simply get a general set. If shock magic interests you, or perhaps street magic gets your attention, then seek a set for the right interest.

The full set offers all of the props and instructions to perform the tricks that come with it as well as everything you will need to do a beginner€š"ôs magic show. This is one type of set to choose and it is up to you what kind of set to select.

Next you just need to follow the instructions with these sets and you will quickly learn the tricks. The only drawback for the student looking to become proficient at magic is that the props are rigged in such a way as to make them easier to use. A beginner can get too dependent on this instead of learning the classic techniques and tricks.

That is where the magic book comes in. A book will give you more advanced instruction. So many magicians use them to sharpen their skills. You will learn the fundamentals of all tricks and be coached on how to give a good show.

For the beginner, working with a book can initially be a daunting task, but eventually you can find your magic book to be a useful companion. Until then, you might need a little more help.

Look for a good DVD program on magic. There are dozens out there and these will give good visual examples on the foundations and will be especially supportive to the beginner. The DVD has much of the same content as the books so the two compliment each other.

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