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Strategies For Increasing Your Conversion To Email

This is once you get traffic to your site. The next thing you need to do is make sure that they actually get converted into email subscribers. Let's look at a few strategies here.

#1 - Create A Compelling Reason To Opt- In

The promise of closing the loop, we talked about that. You want to create something of value. As I said, especially for YouTube for FreeMagicLive, we created the Street Magic Manual, which is like I think about a 70-page report. People can subscribe for it and download it and it's very valuable. People often want to pay money for it, but we give it away for free.

Make it as valuable as you can. That's very, very important. Make it compelling for people to opt-in. That can really increase your op t-in rate.

You can also create a video if you want to or an audio product. It doesn't have to be a PDF document. What I found with documents is they spread a lot easier, people can click on the inside. It gives you that credibility of being an author as well.

#2 - Offer An Irresistible Free Resource

That's kind of the same thing. Maybe the previous one talks about making sure that it's a compelling reason for people to o pt-in. Let's go look at the website. If you look at our website, we make it kind of compelling here.

We have a nice headline, "Get free instant access to the brand new Street Magic Manual now." Free instant access, so you've got to look at your copywriting here, which is one of the tips as well. Make it compelling, make it a free resource, and get people to opt-i n. Give them something they want and make it irresistible.

#3 - Test And Optimize Your O pt-In Box Placement

What I found so far for me that works the best and from what I've learned is to have your o pt-in box right at the top of your page, but on the right hand side.

If you think about how people's eyes move, the first thing they normally see is sort of at the left top here, and they start reading stuff, and it kind of ends over on the right hand side over here. So you want to make sure that the placement of your op t-in box is right at the top of your website on the right hand side, but test this.

See if you get different results and think about where you need to place your op t-in box. We've got our best results over here on the right hand side at the top. Maybe there's a few more things I can do. Maybe I can move it up even higher, so it's even more obvious.

#4 - Test And Optimize Your Op t-In Box Design

I've gone through a bunch of different designs here for this opt- in box. One thing that I removed, because it didn't look as nice, but it really worked well, was a dotted line around my opt- in box here. A dotted line. That looked ugly, but it grabbed people's attention. The more people who saw it, the more people opted in.

So think about your design. Think about your layout. Think about where the button is. Think about where the text is and all those sorts of things.

I think Yaro Starak actually has a very good one, a very compelling opt-in box. Let's go look at his design. Look at different websites and what they're using and use some of their ideas. I think Yaro has a particularly good one. Ours is just really simple, because we didn't want to spend too much time on it, but look at Yaro's one. It's been professionally designed for him, but it looks good.

There's a little video at the top here that plays, and some compelling text and the opt-in form. It looks very good, and a picture of the free report. You can do something similar.

#5 - Add A Compelling Video To Go With Your Opt-In Box

This is something that can increase the conversion to op t-ins tremendously. What do I mean by this? Yaro has a video. We have a video there. It's basically JayJay talking about the free resource, the Street Magic Manual, and telling people what they're going to get and telling them to enter their first name and email address to get instant free access. So have video there.

#6 - Improve Your Op t-In Box Copy

I've touched on that a little bit. All this means is to work on how well the text for your opt in box converts. I've seen op t-in boxes where basically all it has is the name and email address and the button. That's not good enough.

You need to have a nice headline that's compelling, and you need to have benefit driven text over here that tells people what they're going to get. So think about that. Maybe hire a copywriter to do a good job for you there. Make it compelling.

#7 - Create A Pop-Up Opt-In Box

A lot of people may not like this. It may go a little bit against your grain, but I'll tell you what, our opt -in rate doubled the day that we did it. If you go to FreeMagicLive for the first time, it'll actually pop up with a pop-up window. You can't see it now. It's basically the same video here, same op t-in box, asking you to opt -in. That's doubled our opt -in rate.

You can do that through AWeber. It's just one of the types of forms that you can create. It's doubled our opt -in rate. Even though a lot of people may not like it, it works.

#8 - Tell People What To Expect During The Sign-Up Process

This will also help increase the number of people who actually confirm their email addresses. If you watch this video on FreeMagicLive, you'll see that JayJay at the end talks about what's going to happen when they enter their details.

It tells them, "Afterwards you'll get sent a confirmation email. You need to click on that link so that you can confirm your email, and then you'll get directed to the welcome page and you'll get sent a welcome email." We tell them exactly what's going to happen. It sets the expectation so that it'll increase the chances of people checking their spam folder. They're going to find that email and make sure that the email address is confirmed. This is just some basic internet marketing tricks you can use. That's it.

Those are all the strategies. I think that there's quite a bit more than 37. I didn't count them, but there's a lot of them. At first, you might look at all of this and think, "Wow, this is kind of overwhelming. You know, there's a lot of information here. Where do I start?" So this is my recommendation.

This video is being recorded. It's going to get transcribed as well. You'll have access to all of these strategies and all of this information.

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