วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Magic Tricks Instructions

I think it is fair to say that most people enjoy seeing magic tricks. Part of the fun comes from seeing the apparently impossible happen right before your eyes, and part of the fun comes (since we of course know that a trick is involved) in trying to figure out the secret behind the trick.

A lot of fun can also be had by performing magic tricks. Not everybody is cut out to be, or even wants to be, a professional stage magician, but nevertheless there's still a lot of pleasure to be gained by entertaining your family or friends with magic tricks.

While professional magicians might apparently saw their assistants in half, fly through the air, or even seem to make major New York city landmarks disappear, if you're just beginning with magic, you will obviously need to set your sights on somewhat simpler tricks. Obviously you'll want to choose tricks that are completely safe (no dangerous swords or guillotines!), don't require expensive props, and which are of course easy for you to learn and master. There's actually quite a few tricks of this kind that you could choose to learn - I'd suggest you might consider looking at card tricks, tricks on based on apparent feats of mentalism, and so-called "street magic" - many tricks of these types are suitable for a beginning or amateur magician. I won't pretend that you don't need to practice to master such tricks, but I think that you will that it's worth it, and, what's more, there are quite different web sites that offer instructions on performing these magic tricks, and that's bound to be a big help.

By S. Tanna. Discover Magic Tricks Instructions at http://www.downloadfocus.com/cat_hobbies_magic.php.

