วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Driving a magician magic tricks to judge

If at times the buy-up close magic, street magic, or for your personal entertainment, or even if you are a professional magician, and here are a few things to buy, take into consideration before your next.

Difficulty - A high level of difficulty means that you have some basic skills with magic, and most likely with the knowledge and skills in sleight of hand techniques. But most of all it's high difficulty tricks require a lot of practicebefore you try to do the trick before a live audience. Many practical terms, days and days of practice, not just a few laps. There are some tricks that such a high degree of difficulty that you can never master that. Keep in mind, so that your expectations and levels of frustration are managed.

Angles-talking magician If the angle is, where viewers are required if you do your makeup, tells us that the trick is not disclosed. Ifeveryone shall be directly in front of you, then the angles are very critical, and your ability to control the spectators become an important part of the trick. If the trick can be done while you are literally surrounded by people, then it probably means is that no sleight of hand or tricks necessary to do the trick. For the magician at the beginning or middle, it's best tricks, in which angles are not critical, or where large angles are possible.

Leave the cleaner - like all magicians Tricks that can be executed only once, the subject of make-up of viewers without any discovery of how the trick is running to be reviewed, and the magician should not be treated with devices in the left hand. This is to be "not clean" meant.

Dodge - Most up-close magic tricks do not need gimmicks to make the trick. If you need a gimmick, it should be easy to dispose of before, that's it. Tricks to increase the cost of> Magic tricks, and sometimes increase the difficulty.

Set-up and recovery - are some tricks that are performed can be quite complicated set-up before the conclusion, must be a magic trick. If it is an excellent trick that will amaze your audience is one, then it might be worth. Usually, long set-ups that do the trick once again, is the recovery time to be long. It 's a big problem with tricks like this, no matter how great theyseem, is that you can take with you very easily. Impromptu tricks are sometimes the best, and complex structures preclude any hope of an impromptu trick.

Pay Off or Effect - When a magic trick has a long or complicated setup and only produced a "This is an interesting trick" comment, has a low payout and is simply not worth it. Similarly, there are a lot of great card tricks, long lines of history, or have extended routine paperthat profits and low "wow" factors that make it not worth it to have to get the joke as "Now the four boys were together again."

Cost - The average cost for a good magic trick in line is somewhere between $ 10 and $ 50 Find tricks with video tutorials that can be downloaded immediately, because they are usually cheaper than DVD. However, there are some advantages to purchasing the DVD. Not only are they constantly in case the hard driveHard drive fails, but can also be sold on eBay and other websites in order to recover some of your learning curve.

Also remember that if you love a trick, and although it is difficult, and a complicated setup, to go anyway. Their motivation to go to practice and learn the trick. There is also a great satisfaction to know the secret of a good trick.

