วันอังคารที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Tips from a magician - Dealing with nerves

It happened before? You are on the road, go to someone and give them a magic trick. They agree, but once you get to shake hands, start your. You can calm in your voice and manorisms, but the hands tell a different story. What was so bad once that I literally was unable to hold the cards and let the entire deck. So how do you overcome?

The first thing you should know is thatThe nerves never completely disappeared. Even after I learned what I have to say about me, I'm still nervous. This is especially true if I'm implementing a very sweet girl. The good news is that there are several things to be done to reduce the severity of the nerves and even happens to everyone sometimes.

First is the breathing, you must control your breathing. It's good to anyone if you can not breathe slow, deep and controlled. Shortly before going totake a few minutes and breathe deeply. She calms down and get so much more oxygen into your system. Slow, deep, calm breaths are best. Hold in your power to do so, and you will be amazed how well they work with his mouth open.

Next, you only think of doing what is necessary to get through your performance. Think of the cards, you move, what is focus on the future performance. Do not be worrying what the public thinks of you. Do not worry ifas your material or do not worry about them do not understand how a trick (see my review skeptic.) proceed from the simple, and do your magic - you'll be fine.

These are the two things that work best for me. If you have any suggestions to get you to calm the nerves, as you do, you know, by all means tell me.

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