วันศุกร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Online Singing Advice, Performance Techniques - Overcoming Shyness When You Sing Or Speak Publicly

There are several causes of singing or speaking with a weak, uninteresting voice. In this article we're going to examine the first of these...shyness.

It's difficult to change the way you basically are (shy) just because you are singing a song or giving a speech. But, did you know that many of our greatest singers, comedians, speakers and actors suffer from extreme shyness, and yet are able to go on stage and become someone who is able to inspire others with their outreaching personalities and ability to communicate?

Tom Hanks, Lucille Ball, Bob Dylan, Carry Underwood, Cher, David Letterman, Diane Schurr, Elvis Presley, George Harrison, Ella Fitzgerald, Jim Carrey, Harrison Ford, Johnny Carson and many many others have publicly admitted being extremely shy. Most of them remain(ed) shy in their day to day lives, and yet were able to reach fame and fortune by replacing their shy persona with outgoing, powerful persona when they got on stage.

If you are shy your singing and speaking will probably be shy. There are terrific books, videos, seminars and classes which can help you with this problem. Go on the web, visit a bookstore find a good therapist. But first you must admit and accept your shyness. If you shrug it off and say "oh that's just the way I am" you'll never become a singer or public speaker. You don't have to change the way you are, but you do need to learn how to put it aside when you are performing.

A useful tip is to "play" a character when singing a song. Like an actor, become the person who wrote the song. What are they feeling? Whom are they speaking to? What motivates the song or speech? Go there and you can leave your shy self behind for those minutes you are singing the song or speaking the speech.

Oh, and don't forget that one of the main reasons we are shy about singing or public speaking is that we are insecure in our abilities. Find a good teacher and learn to be excellent at whatever you want to do.

